Thursday 27 August 2009

Boost Your Lower Ab Workout With These Great Diet Tips

If you want to get that impressive six-pack, those amazing ripped abs, you may be thinking of starting a lower ab workout routine. That's great, because these exercises are just what you need to build and tone the abdominal muscle. The problem is that, for many of us, there is a layer of fat over the top of the abs, which means that however much you sweat it, however long you work those abs, they will still remain hidden under that layer of fat. This page will show you some great tips for eating better and reducing that stomach fat leading to a flatter belly and more visible abs.

There are two avenues of attack when considering your diet in conjunction with a lower ab workout program. The first is the overall number of calories that you consume, and the second is the type of food that makes up those calories. Let's look at these in turn:

Overall Calorie Intake

If you are one of the many people who want to get a six pack but are a little (or a lot) overweight, you will have to accept that to reach your goal you must reduce your calorie intake below what your body is burning, so that you get rid of fat. I know it's a real drag, but counting the calories really can make a difference here. There are plenty of resources all over the internet that can help you to find out how many calories are in whatever kinds of food. The bottom line is that if you cannot reduce your calorie intake to a level below what your body needs, then however many lower ab workouts you do, you will not succeed in your fat burning, you will not reduce stomach fat, and however developed your abs are, nobody will be able to see them.

Types of Food

There are certain foods that will naturally build muscle; other foods nourish the body – and quite a lot of foods are no good for either. To build your abs, you need to eat enough protein, but you don't need to go crazy over this otherwise your calorie intake will be through the roof. Just make sure your diet contains some things like nuts, fish and lean meat. Avoid processed food – just get the raw ingredients and cook them without using too much oil, and when you use oil, make it olive oil as this is great for you. Dark leaved green vegetables like spinach are good too, but basically you want to include a good mix of fresh veggies and fruit in your diet. Carbohydrates in the form of wholemeal bread, beans and peas are great, and they can help you feel full without piling on the calories.

Please try to avoid junk food. Of course, now and again you will want a treat, like a slab of chocolate cake or a bag of fries. that's OK, enjoy it, don't feel bad and don't think you have failed and give up on your lower ab workout routine. Just enjoy your little piece of naughtiness, and then get back to work! The same goes for alcohol. It's a big source of calories and it can cause sluggishness and make you feel unwilling to exercise. But we're only human and if you want a drink, have one. Yes, ONE. Or maybe two. Enjoy the drink, but remember that you are going to have to work harder to compensate for it.

Getting a six pack requires a combination of exercise and healthy eating, not just one or the other. It is no mean feat, but many have gone before you and succeeded, to the amazement and admiration of the people around them. Are you ready to join the club? I would like to invite you to get more information now, by clicking the link: Lower Ab Workout

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